Monday, January 26, 2009

2nd revisions

Revisions 2.0: Added several things such as the master and padawan bond, jedi faction, some other items.

1/27: Made edits to the M/P bond and jedi faction

1/28: Made random edits, wording, spelling, so on and so forth. Preped for VIP release.

1/28: Changed the faction name "Sith" to "Dark Jedi" pending better name. See the newest post for details.

1/29: Added a new gole, added alittle to grey Jedi (need some help with this), added Jedi missions, and added Master Padawan missions. Edited spelling of "grey" to "gray".

2/1: Changed name from Dark Jedi to Reborns, name from Jedi Academy.

FYI when I say Jedi usally I mean Jedi, Gray Jedi, and Reborns.

The Ways of The Force, Jedi System

Greetings, I am Sotey, I come bringing a new possible Jedi system. I have taken things from the holo grind, the village, Crash’s system, and a few ideas of my own. If I took items from another person’s system I have already gotten permission to do so. I will list them and what I took in the “Special Thank You” page.

These are my goles:
1: Make the grind to Jedi fun and interesting
2: Make Jedi rare, and keep the population down.
3: Make Jedi hard to get
4: Make Jedi life a pain in the ars
5: Make Jedi a powerful class
6: Bring a roleplay aspect to the system
7: Give the vets some thing new to do (lets face it if we know every thing its boring)
8: Make the enclave more useful
9: Make players respect Jedi

10: Try to take most Jedi out of GCW

As a community we have to accept that we need compromise. So I think this system will work. I have taken some of the most popular ideas and more liked areas of systems and put it into one.

***READ ME***
This thread is not about what system is better or anything like that. Please if you have nothing nice to say don’t post. If your not open to new Jedi ideas screw off this thread isnt for you. Constructive criticism is good but I don’t want any one posting “oh yay another jedi idea like this hasn’t been done enough”. Lets just stay on topic and tell me how best to fit the needs of the players.

If you wish this idea posted some where please let me know, I'd rather have my name posting it. Also if you wish to take some thing from the idea ask me before doing so. I will be posting this on all major Emu server sites.

For the story and chat windows see Part 2(awaiting community approval to continue)
For dev information ask to see Part 3 (coming soon) (For EMU team only)

So lets get started

First off power wise I would like Jedi to be pre-pub 9 but with post-9 skill trees. I want these guys to work their asses off and in return I want them to be scarier than Michel Jackson at a boy scouts meeting.

Part 1: Becoming A Jedi

-Gaining Forces Sensitivity
When creating a new character, your new character will receive a Midi-chlorian count. Midi-chlorians are microscopic life forms that live symbiotically inside the cells of all living creatures. In sufficient numbers, they could reveal the presence of the Force to their symbiont. A random number of midi-chlorians will be assigned to every new character.

How will Midi-chlorians affect me?
Midi-chlorians affect how quickly you grow in the knowledge of the Force. So, until you actually become aware of it's existence, you won't be able to tell how big or small your Midi-chlorian count is.

I am setting the bare minimum midi-chlorians to 2,500 and the maximum to 15,000 (no one should be able to be on the level of Anakin Skylwaker because he was conceived by midi-chlorians[20,000]).

So the new equation then becomes y = (1 + (n/m) / k) * o, where y = new xp, n = midi-chlorians, m = mean average of midi-chlorians ((min + max) /2), k = constant modifier, and o = original xp amount.

let m = 8750, k = 100, and o = 3000.

n = player's midi-chlorian count, y = new experience:
n = 2500, y = 3009
n = 4000, y = 3014
n = 6000, y = 3021
n = 8000, y = 3027
n = 10000, y = 3034
n = 12000, y = 3041
n = 15000, y = 3051

What advantages does a high Midi-chlorian count give me?
Midi-chlorians will only affect two aspects of the Jedi system: How quickly you progress through the skill trees, and how quickly you become aware of the Force. Midi-chlorian count will simply be a modifier for how much Jedi experience will be gained at a time. They will not affect how powerful of a Jedi you can become or if you can become one at all.

Revealing the Force
A higher value of midi-chlorians will enable you to take less steps to reveal the nature of the Force, but you will still have to search for it. Remember that Obi-Wan Kenobi has become one with the Force, and Yoda is hidden on the planet of Dagobah, which is inaccessible.

In order to become aware of the Force, you must discover it through random luck. Any of the following events could spark your interest in searching for the Force:
1)You collect a broken peice of an ancient Jedi or Sith holocron, and consequently feel a strange aura wash over you.
2)You stumble across a Jedi in hiding, who senses your connection to the Force and reveals himself to you. After explaining a very minimal amount of the Force, he is whisked away by a Stormtrooper battalion, never to be seen again.
3) Upon exploring the different Jedi temples you may feel an energy presence, and discover an ancient artifact buried in the ruins.

Though, this section could be expanded on, all these circumstances yield the same effect. After experiencing one of these situations, you will begin to search for more information on the Force.

Remember that knowledge of the Force is banned by the Empire, and there is little available information on it. You can't simply go down to the Archives and ask for a book on the Jedi order. You would be killed for such a thing.

Now your midi-chlorians will come into play. The more you have, the fewer steps you will have to take to become a Jedi initiate. However, there will be no indication as to how close to becoming a Jedi initiate you are, until that time comes.

You will randomly come across opportunities now to do things that will increase your knowledge of the force. Some examples follow:

Example 1
You are running random quests for generic NPC's such as "a criminal" or "a businessman", and one of the items you retrieve is NOT what you had expected, or had gotten before. Perhaps a shard of a holocron, or some other object with ties to the Force, would be the item you retrieve. You would receive no special message, and if you didn't notice it yourself, then you could potentially turn it in for the quest reward. However, if you did notice it and examine it, you would be one step closer to unlocking Jedi.

Example 2
While harvesting a creature for bone, meat, or hide, you come across an ancient artifact that has become lodged in the creature. After examining this object, you would become a step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the Force.

Example 3
While visiting a cantina, and trying to talk to all the patrons, one might randomly give you the option of run a quest for him. Though, it would have no indication of having anything to do with the Force, you would later feel a stronger connection.

Example 4
Randomly an exploration badge might strengthen your connection to your Force. It would be different for every player, and perhaps no badges at all would ever strengthen your connection with the Force.

These would not be the only case scenarios, and these scenarios would not be guaranteed to strengthen your connection to the Force.

*Wait! But Sotey, Jedi isn't going to be in on launch what about my first toons!

My buddy Ilipah brought this up to me, been having him read over this thing to find every thing wrong. So my plan is that when they are ready to put Jedi in you put out a vetreward type option. "claim your midi-chlorian count". This will work just like for new players completly random number and you don't get to know. After that point you will start adding to your unlock.

-The Master
Once your connection to the force has became strong enough a jedi master will come to you. He will tell you to gather 2 holocrons. When you examine the holocron it will read one of the following:

"A sense of great suffering washes over you. This holocron holds tales of war. Maybe in my studies I will understand this more."

"Peace and happiness envelopes your sole. This holocron holds tales of creation and preservation. Maybe in my studies I will understand this more"

The first possible message shows you need to master a random combat profession

The second message shows you need to master a random healer, crafter, entertainer, or wilderness profession.

This is like the silent holocrons in the holo grind but it's a bit easier.

Upon understanding the meaning of the two holocrons you will get a message at a random time (with in 72 hours) "You feel unusually drawn to the wild. You want to be alone right now". You will have to go sit in the wild by your self and your master will appear again (within 3 hours). He will ask you what you have learned. If you have a bad answer you will be forced to go and gather another holocron. Answers may look something like this.

"hard work is the key to success"
"the force of all things is connected, I have realized now the impact a single creature can make"
"with death comes power" This isn’t a very jedi like thing to say, they don’t like death.
"Passion is the key to life" The jedi code says "there is no passion there is serenity" although a good moral to life this would be against the code.

The first too show ok answers. The first one you would get by. The 2nd you would gain more respect from your master. If your master respects you, maybe he will let you skip some thing *HINT HINT*. The other two are bad answers. If he approves of your answers he will send you to a friend on coronet. Go there to continue on your path.

-The Damages Of War
You will now have to report to Validus Vir (here on out called VV). VV will require that you sever all ties to any faction (you have to go neutral). VV will give you quests to do that will help you understand the damage of war, the sarrow of death, the power of voice, and the natural balace of good and evil. These quests might be some thing like:

"Head to naboo, search out where people of the water defend their home. Stretch out and feel the battle. Visit both sides where they dwell. The beautiful wilderness and the home of evil."
This implying you need to go to naboo and go to the imperial and gungan fight. After sitting there for awhile you need to head to the gungan sacred place "the beautiful wilderness" and then the emperor's retreat "the home of evil".
Then return to him and answer some jedi like questions where you will be tested on your ability to roleplay like a jedi. (Most missions will be a lot harder than this and have combat)

Once you complete the mission he will instruct you to meditate on this experience and to continue in your training. You cannot return for another 48 hours for another mission. You may only return to show him progress in your training. This means turning in xp for "respect". Xp conversions are a lot like the village but are for respect and some are changed.

*XP type* #XP for #Respect
Weapons (any type) xp 3,000:1
Combat xp 300:1
Squad Leader xp 900:1
Bounty Hunter Investigation xp 100:1
Image Design xp 3,000:1
Dancing xp 5,000:1 (ha have fun afking this)
Musician xp 5,000:1
Entertainer Healing xp 2,000:1
Survival xp 500:1
Scout xp 1,000:1
Trapping xp 3,000:1
Medical xp 2,500:1
Surveying xp 2,000:1
Merchant xp 400:1
Creature Handling xp 900:1
Slicing xp 300:1
DNA Sampling xp 300:1
Bio Engineer xp 400:1
Politician xp 300:1
General Crafting xp 800:1
Architect xp 5,000:1
All other crafting xp 1,000:1

Each mission will require 800 respect to be gained. (made it small numbers so its easier to code and you can put it in your faction area to see how much you have). Once you reach 5,000 respect you are done. This will be 7 missions in all. After you do a mission he will test you on what you learned. Answer badly and you will loose respect. But answer above and beyond and you will be rewarded with respect.

Once you have gained your 5,000 faction with VV he will tell you to go wait in the forest again and wait for your master (around 3 hours alone). Once he shows up he will ask you if you still wish to learn the ways of the jedi. If you say no, he leaves and will return again within 72 hours to ask again if you say no again he will never return, you will loose the ability to become a jedi. If you say yes he will give you a force shard to guard. He wants to see if you are truly loyal to the jedi.

-The Shard
Your master will ask that you destroy a sith base, you ask where it is and he will walk away into the mist. within 48 hours a group of sith will attack you. Search them for a datapad holding the location of the sith base. You may have to be attacked up to 3 times before you loot it. Once you do you will have to go to the random waypoint and kill all the sith and their base. After you destroy the base you will get a message that you discovered another datapad and that you should show your master this and tell him you destroyed the base. Again within 3 hours he will come to you (still must be alone and in the wild). He will be proud that you finished and kept the shard safe but will be concerned when you tell him you found the datapad. He will examine it and tell you to go to a waypoint. He tells you to again wait for him after you face what is at the waypoint.

-The Mysterious Waypoint
At this waypoint you will find a larger base and more sith:
1:Mellichae: 85k (was 55k) HAM, 80% resist to everything except Lightsabers. He also has four force crystals surrounding him that heal him if they are not destroyed (they have 30k HAM).
2:.Daxter: 45k (was 25k) HAM, 80% resists to everything except Lightsabers.
3:8 sith NPCs

You must destroy all who dwell in the camp. After you kill them you must again wait for your master. This time within the hour.

-The Jedi Enclave
The Jedi Enclave is where few of the Jedi who have escaped the wrath of the Empire have hidden themselves. They rarely leave the confines of the Enclave, and when they do, they shroud themselves in secrecy, hiding their identity from agents of the Empire. Here is where you will progress from Initiate to Padawan learner: through a series of quests in a Theme Park setup. Your master will give you a datapad containing the way point to the Jedi Enclave.

There will be a few Jedi Masters, and more Jedi students in the Enclave. You can learn from all of them, except for a few students who would just be there for filler content. Of course you could talk to the students, and they might just give lore information. There will also be a corrupted Jedi Master in the Enclave who will try and sway you to the dark side.

-The Dark Side
Every Jedi will start in the Light Jedi Enclave, but after running a series of quests for the corrupted Jedi Master in the Enclave, you will begin to notice a more sinister element to his tasks. Eventually, he will try to persuade you to learn the ways of the Dark Side. This is your option to choose a Dark Side role. If you choose yes, then you will receive a waypoint for the Dark Jedi Enclave and continue your training there. If you do not, then you will simply continue training at the Light Jedi Enclave.

*Note: Any Light Jedi who decides they are going to role up on the Dark Jedi enclave will find themselves in a heap of trouble amongst many Dark Jedi Master NPC's ready to fight. It would not be a good idea in other words to pay the Dark Jedi Enclave a visit, if you have not first accepted the path of the Dark Side.*

Upon choosing the Dark Side path, you will have approximately 5 minutes to leave the Enclave before the Light Jedi become hostile towards you, as they can sense the Dark Side flowing from you.

-Completing Initiation and becoming a Padawan/Apprentice
After you have completed the Theme Park content, whether that is the Dark Side Enclave or Light Side Enclave, you will awarded the rank of Padawan if you are Light Side or Apprentice if you are Dark Side.

The Theme Park will consist of loads of missions that you need to do. Jedi and Reborn missions of course are much different. The missions will be kind of like the Padawan trails but more fun and longer.

As a Padawan, you train your skills by completing tasks and fighting creatures, gaining experience. This experience, as stated before is modified based on your midi-chlorian count. This is where you will really figure out how high your midi-chlorian count is. Again, midi-chlorians will only affect how quickly you progress through the skill boxes of the Jedi profession.

As mentioned earlier, midi-chlorians will have an affect on how quickly you gain experience from completing tasks or being victorious in combat. How drastically if affects the XP rate would have to be balanced. The midi-chlorian count would serve as a direct modifier in the gain of Jedi experience.

-The Jedi Faction
In this section I use JR as meaning Jedi and Reborn. Upon being granted Padawan/apprentice you will be put into either the Reborn or Jedi faction depending on what theme park you completed. If the opposite faction sees you using the force, holding a saber, wearing robes, or have a title over your head you will be given a 5 hour JR TEF (this is different from a normal TEF). A JR can become Special Forces in two different ways, faction specific or all out. A Reborn for instance can become Special Forces to just rebels (and Jedi) or he can become Special Forces to all factions (excluding Reborn of course). If you choose faction specific you will gain 1 force wound for every player killed(see force wounds) and will also gain a 5 day JR TEF. If you choose all out you will only receive the 5 day JR TEF. A JR can become SF by talking to a representative of your enclave. These representatives look like normal NPCs. You can get a list of locations in your enclave. These representatives are spread threw out the galaxy roughly 1 of each faction per planet.

-A Choice
This is when you get to choose what the future of your Jedi holds. After the completion of the Theme Park you have the choice to stay with the faction you chose or become a gray jedi. Please note your choice on Reborn, Jedi, or Gray Jedi is life long, you will never be able to change.

-Protectors Of The Few
*note this may not be possible due to possible large amounts of coding.*
Gray Jedi, a concept I have seen many players want. Gray Jedi are the only neutral players who can become "special forces". You are not part of the civil war in most aspects. You get no faction rank, no faction pets, no faction missions. You sole purpose in this world is to defend life. You can become temporarily flagged to rebel and imperial attack. In order to stay a gray Jedi you must have more than -3,000 faction and less than 3,000 faction to either rebels or imperials. If you brake the rules you loose all your force for 48 hours. JR will both hunt you down, you will receive the same JR TEF. You may also be able to be flagged against Reborn and Light Jedi. In return you get a few things:
1:Faster force wounds healing
2:Extra force points
3:Extra H/A/M
4:Special Missions
5:A pet (I would like to add this some how I don't know if this is possible but I think a gray Jedi having a small pet wouldn't be a bad idea, just a little buddy not really a combat thing)
6:Bonus to Force regen
**Ideas needed for gray Jedi content!**
-Jedi Missions
Jedi missions are missions where you need multiple Jedi to complete. These are very hard missions where team work is vital. This is to promote Jedi to hang out with each other. These missions will hold high xp gain and is rather faster than traditional grinding. Like I said these missions will be difficult and will be based off the highest ranking Jedi in the group. These missions will consist of things like (we will pretend we are Reborn): killing player Jedi, killing npc Jedi, killing rebel players, killing imperial players, going to dwb, going on corvetts, killing large spawns of creatures, distroying bases, blowing up buildings, assassinating high ranking NPCs, mostly lots of killing things for Reborn. Some of these sound easy but I assure you they will be difficult.

-Padawan and Master (dark and light)
I would like to make it so Jedi in Knighthood or above can claim a Padawan for mutual gain. At Jedi Knight you are given a schematic to craft a Padawan braid. This braid will be like marriage in sense of interface and that you may only have one. Jedi Padawans without masters will put on a terminal in your factions enclave. You can go to a Padawan and offer this and if they accept you now have a bond. This bond has downfalls and advantages. This bond also is only effective if the Padawan and Master are grouped and within 1,000m of each other. *This bond can be broken by either party if it isn't working out*

Advantages For Padawans
1: Buff: Gift Of The Master; you gain a 15% xp gain increase. Your force is increased by 5%.
2: Protection, If a BH comes to kill the Padawan your master can attack the BH also. (this is always on dispite range and group) Upon the death of the BH the Padawan will gain xp if the Master helped.
3: Force Protection, if you have a BH after you that is within 100m of you your master will recieve the following message, "You feel a disterbince in the force, your Padawan is in need of protection."

1:Debuff: Lost Master; Your Master has died your force has been reduced by 20%. (5min debuff upon death of master)
2: If your Master gets a TEF you do also. If your Master has a JR TEF you will be given a JR TEF while in his presents and for 1 hour after.

Master Advantages
1: Buff: Gift Of Insight; you gain a 10% xp gain increase. You also gain a 2% FRS xp gain increase.
2: The Rule Of Two, If a BH comes for you your Padawan can help you fight them off. Upon death of the BH you gain FRS xp if the Padawan aided.

Master Disadvantages
1: Debuff: Padawan Lost; Your Padawan has died your force has been reduced by 15%. You cannot gain xp or FRS xp. You loose 5% of your xp. (5min debuff upon death of padawan)
2: If your Padawan gains a TEF you do too. If your Padawan has a JR TEF you will be given a JR TEF while in his presents and for 2 hours after.

If the BH kills his mark while the Jedi's Master/Padawan was within range his Bounty will be paid the amount and 50% extra. If the BH kills both his mark and his padawan/master the BH will recieve tripple the bounty. I offer this because if you can take two Jedi at one time you deserve a reward.

-Master Padawan Missions
These are missions where a Master and a Padawan will go and complete a random task for xp. This is mostly just an alternitive to going to a spin group or some thing. The missions will take about 30mins to finish and will hold about the same xp gain as 30mins grinding the traditional way. These missions arn't as hard as the other group Jedi missions they are two different terminals. These are more quest type missions.

-Jedi Hate
Of course we have to address a few things to keep jedi in check.

-Perma Death
Once you gain the title Padawan Perma Death is in effect. Die 10 times in a week and you will loose jedi. You are an alpha class, this isn’t god mode. If your stupid enough to die 10 times in one week you will loose jedi forever and your account will be locked from having jedi. This is to keep people who aren’t serious about jedi away and if they do get jedi to make sure they loose it. This is also to insure people are being careful.

-XP Loss
When you die you will loose 5% of your xp. If a player kills you it’s 10%. If you die 5 times in combat in one week you lose 30% of your xp.

-Skill Loss
If you die 9 times in one week you will loose one random skill. This is for 2 reasons, to warn the player oh shit maybe I need to be careful, and also if you died 9 times you need to go learn your class better. If you hit 0 jedi xp and loose xp for some reason you will also loose one random skill.

-Skill/XP Decay
*Note: may not be possible due to programing*
Every week you will loose jedi xp amount depending on your rank. The day will be a day that always has a scheduled down time, say every Wednesday we take down the server it would be on Wednesday. (See skill loss for if you hit 0 xp)
Padawan= 50k loss
Knight= 70k loss
Above Knight= 80k loss

-TEFs & Visibility
Every jedi past Padawan will get a saber TEF. This means if (s)he equips a saber, uses a saber, or any thing to do with having people see his(her) saber they will instantly be attackable to all enemy faction members who are SF. This TEF will last 120 (2 hours) minuets. All jedi will gain visibility if they do anything in front of a person or NPC that would prove them a jedi/sith (having a Jedi title, having a Jedi robe equiped, using force powers, using saber or having it equiped). Your visibility is cleared every week (see skill loss for day) since you last gained visibility. For those that don't know visibility refears to the jedi being put onto the bounty hunter terminals. *Note: you will not gain visibility or TEFs if you are with a fellow jedi or sith. This is to encurrage friendships among the faction*

-Grey Jedi TEF
Same rules apply to you but you get a 3 hour TEF and a JR TEF to both Jedi and Sith. Grey jedi are supposed to be rare.

-Force Wounds
If a Jedi dies he will be given wounds to his force bar; about 5% of his force. Master Healer will be given a new ability to heal force wounds, this action will use all of the Jedi's force. Enhancers can slowly heal threw meditation. Everyone else must meditate either at a force shrine, in the jedi enclave, or a house set to privet owned by the Jedi. All Jedi will be given a holocron that they will use when in one of these spots to start the healing process. If you reach 50% wounds you will loose 5 random skills.
-Jedi Love <3
Ok so Jedi is going to be hard, why waste the time?! Your powers are that of pre-pub 9 making you rather powerful. If you can get and keep Jedi you should hold respect among those who know of your class. It holds a lot of content. You can gain meny friends threw this system, it encurages JR to be together. Some other nice stuff:
1:Buff: The force is strong; If you are grouped with 3 or more JR your xp gain is increased by 5%, your force is increased by 10%, force wounds heal 10% faster. (buff lasts aslong as the group is intact)
2:Buff: Instruction; If you are grouped with a JR that is a master in Lightsabers you will gain a 5% to Saber crafting
3: Gift from the Padawan; if you choose to take a Padawan when they become a Knight you gain FRS xp, Jedi xp, a badge for every Padawan you train, and a Jedi artifact.

Special Thank You!
Crush: Crush allowed me to use his midi-chlorian system and enclave system.
Lubbe: Lubbe supplied some of the village information needed.
Sumane: Sumane provided me the base to the jedi padawan relationship along with the jedi tag giving visibility. He also supplied the force wounds base.
Ilipah: Ilipah lended some support and guidence and pointed out problems for me.
Dedaskalion: Reviewing the system and pointing out the "Sith" flaw.
Kia: Giving me the new name for what was the Sith
SWGEmu Dev Team: Supplying the ability to play again.

This list will grow as we continue building

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